A worker is considered as “working alone” if assistance is not readily available should some injury, illness, or emergency arises. If you are working after hours, on weekends, or in a very isolated area you need to follow the Working Alone Procedure of that space. General Working Alone Guidelines are outlined by HSE in the linked document.
It is crucial that an effective means of communication is in place to minimize the risk factors of working alone. The PI or lab supervisor of the space should establish these using the following templates to outline:
- The means of communication
- The check-in interval frequency
- The check-in contact information (i.e. name, phone number, etc.)
Working Alone Template – Lab Setting
Working Alone Template – Office Setting
If the check-in contact cannot get a hold of the isolated worker they should physically check on the worker or commence emergency procedures.
You should always limit working outside of regular work hours where possible.
When working alone in your office after hours be aware of your surroundings. The most effective means to reduce personal vulnerability is to use the buddy system, but if this is not a feasible solution for you consider the following options:
- Keep your office door locked at all times
- Have a communications plan in place. Tell your family or room-mates when you intend to leave and when you will arrive home
- Phone Protective Services (780-492-5252) and utilize their Lone Worker Program
- Use Campus SafeWalk to get to your car or transportation
- Phone 780-492-5563 or 4WALKME.
- Carry a cell phone at all times
- Do not let people into the building if they do not have the key/swipe card access
- Report unusual activity to Protective Services (780-492-5050) or Control Centre (780-492-5555) immediately