EAS Labs must have sufficient laboratory coats available to all lab personnel so they can work safely with chemicals in the lab.
Lab coats are an essential item for lab personnel to wear to avoid chemical contamination on the lab worker’s clothing and skin from being exposed to the chemical they are working with. Lab coats should not be taken home for washing, the department offers laundry service for EAS lab coats. Take all dirty lab coats to Room H-108 Headhouse just outside EAS Thin Section Laboratory and place them in the laundry hamper outside the door. The coats are picked up once the hamper is full and returned the next week. MINT is the company that is used for dry cleaning. They charge $2.50 a coat, a cost that is covered by the lab.
When placing lab coats in the department laundry be sure that the lab coat is adequately labeled; place the department name on the inside of the collar (EAS), and write the name of the laboratory on the front pocket of the lab coat. Write this information using a permanent ink marker. After a few washings, the labels will fade, so remember to re-label the coats once in a while. If the lab coats are not adequately labeled, there is a good chance that the coats will not be returned to this department. Each laboratory needs to have enough lab coats on hand to account for the week turn around time.
DO NOT use personal names on lab coats unless YOU have purchased the coat.
Please remember to pick up your cleaned lab coats from H-108 Headhouse, as they have limited space to hold the cleaned coats.