On/Off Boarding Records

On-Boarding Records:

On-Boarding Checklist Template

Whenever a new employee is added to a PIs work site whether they be staff, a graduate student, a visitor, or a post doctorate, they must receive an full safety orientation of all the work spaces they will be operating in. The On-Boarding checklist ensures that the PI has covered all the information and the employee has understood all the safety protocols and hazards for that workspace.

The above template can be used and modified to satisfy the needs of your particular workspace within EAS.

Off-Boarding Records:

Off-Boarding Checklist Template

When a researcher leaves it is essential at all their materials, chemicals, and equipment are properly catalogued, stored, or disposed of. The have been several incidents where old, unclaimed, poorly labelled, damaged, or hazardous items have been left behind by former lab members and stored improperly have posed both health and property damage risks to the remaining lab members. Off-boarding outgoing laboratory members mitigates this risk.

Use the above checklist template to properly off-board a researcher.