Safety Training Courses

Everyone in EAS must complete the following courses:

WHMIS 2023 – Introduction to the Globally Harmonized System, an international set of standards for managing hazardous materials, pictograms and labels, and safety data sheets (SDS)

EAS Safety Orientations – Held in-person/online at the beginning of the Fall and Winter terms. The training is split into three modules: General Safety (mandatory for everyone), Laboratory Safety (mandatory if you work in lab space), and Field Space (mandatory if you work in the field).

HSE Mandatory Courses:

Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention – Must be completed by all employees by Sept 30th, 2022. Covers safety and respect in the workplace, how to respond to violence and harassment, and additional resources


Supervising Safely (RECOMMENDED) – Provides information on the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor as they pertain to HSE. Includes: hazard management, inspections, incident and emergency management, training and competency, etc. This is recommended because a teaching or research assistant will perform duities that fall under the definition of a supervisor as defined by OHS legislation at some point during their position


Working Safely 2023 – Outlines the legislated rights of workers and how the apply to members of the university community: 3 basic rights of works, key points about work refusals, recent changes to OHS legislation

If working in a lab with chemicals:

Laboratory and Chemical Safety 2023 – hazard identification, assessment, elimination, and control, physical, psychosocial, and general lab safety, chemical safety, laboratory equipment, waste management, transportation, emergency preparedness

Hazardous Waste Management – NOTE: CHEMATIX is being replaced by the Chemical Inventory System in 2025. Provides information on the types of hazardous waste, storing and disposing of hazardous waste, and the procedure of disposing of hazardous waste from the lab. Includes: Waste streams, handling hazardous waste, CHEMATIX

If working in a lab with biohazards:

Concepts in Biosafety – Covers risk groups and containment levels, exposures, laboratory acquired infections, and incident reporting, biological safety cabinets, bio waste management, etc.

If working in the field (work or school):

Field Research Safety Training – 4 online modules covering an introduction to field safety, pre-departure planning, safety in the field, and post-incident/return. This is followed by 3 hrs of in-person training session with HSE based on your preferred field work environment of: Arctic/Mountain, Marine/Aquatic, International, Forest/Foothills/Praries, or Urban/Human Participants.

HSE offers many more training courses that may be mandatory depending on the specialized research you are working on. Please follow the link or use the Training Records/Needs Assessment to see all the courses HSE has to offer.